Monday, November 14, 2011

Mens Scarves With Which Outfits?

Hi there... all of your choices seem pretty chill. The jeans are great, & now, which shoes are you planning for? The shoes can certainly set the tone for the entire outfit, and so... that could determine whether you'd like the scarf with the jacket better, or the long sleeve tee. The pants are boot-cut, which is cool - are you wearing sneakers, like converse or puma's? Or wearing boots, or loafers, etc? Are you thinking about wearing the shirt to fit or more loose? Sometimes, regardless body-type... tighter actually looks better. Of course I'm not meaning looking like your clothes is too small, but no one wants, I thinking, to look like their clothes is too big - just huge - either. I think, and this is just personal overall taste here... the jeans, the sweater (not looking like it's too huge on you), a plane Hanes V-neck t-shirt, the one that are a pack of 6 for $6 dollars, and some clean shoes, to match the colors, and that depends on your style - Some people like Ugg boots, others like adidas or Converse. And of course your scarf. That's what I think would look best, but regardless feel comfortable & wear the clothes, don't let the clothes wear you. Ciao!

My six year old granddaughter lives with her dad and stepmom. i just learned that he has been drag racing with?

her in the vehicle with him. I want to say something but am sure it will lead to an argument. He is a hard person to get along with, what we call in the south a red-neck. How should i handle this? I also don't want to jeopordize seeing her, but I do fear for her safety. I told her to not get in the vehicle with him anymore but she is only six and seems to be somewhat afraid of him at times. My daughter can't say anything as he and she get along pretty bad at times. please i need advice. thanks

Do you think its alright for a 19 year old to date a 31 year old?

I am currently 19, a male who lives around Philadelphia. My current girlfriend or significant other, whichever you prefer to refer her to, are dating and she currently lives in a place outside of Minneapolis who is 31 years old. She has two kids, a 13 year old and a 5 year old. I am in love with her and vice versa. She was married and now divorced and we have been talking to each other for quite some time now (about over a year) and have been dating for 4-5 months. In the next 6 months I have been planning on going out to live with her, and she has seen me here in Philadelphia multiple times so its not like I do not know her at all and have no idea what she looks like etc. We share so many things in common it is crazy and have been happy for a very long time even before we got together, now the question would come how did I meet her? Well, I met her through a friend of mine who was previously dating her and he had met her online actually. I had met up with those two previously and that's how our relationship came into play. I would constantly talk to her and originally started off as friends and now we are much more than that. Question to answer is do you think in a situation like this its alright to date her and do you think it's a good idea to even go out there to live with her? I already know that I have extremely deep feelings for this person but would like some output.

What is your position on the role of government in supporting innovation in the field of biotechnology?

wow haha did you just see that for the first time? it's about as relevent as all the other questions on here so touche

Best method to prevent pregnancy?

what's the best method to prevent pregnancy besides abstinence? is it the pill or condom? Don't say a vasectomy or get her tubes tied because i'm 21 and she's 20. Not gonna happen...

I have a problem?

i guess im not really going to lose weight. :( ive tried everything. since feb22. i try to lose 30 pounds. i lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, and gain it all back in 3 days. and trying makes me feel depressed bec i know failure will come. :( is it time to give up everything. ? i just can;t take it anymore. thinking about my size and food ever single day. i CANT ENJOy LIFE! i wish i never started to think about weight. :( i want my life when i dont know about dieting. :( i dont know want to eat because my mind is polluted with fad diets. REALLY! i've tried everything. and i end up munching. LOL. i hate it. i just keep on losing my battle with foods. :(


conscious means you voluntarily did it. like if you pick up your pen, that was conscious because you did it on purpose. subconscious means you didn't control it. you have a subconscious mind that controls your heart beats and breathing, otherwise, someone might forgot to breathe. =P and unconscious...i think that's just the state of being fainted or sleeping. don't quote me on the last one though.

Bored, looking for something to sketch!?

Get out there and explore, art is all around you. You just have to open your eyes to see the beauty in everything. This is the best way as well to find yourself as an artist is to just get out there and open you eyes. Good luck with your creative exploration =]

Does she still like me?

she seems interested in you. maybe are you both good friends and normally share this info? you should go for it

You know those packs that say "do not eat"?

Well, the purporse of those is to eliminate moisture. So, it will probably kill you by slowing sucking all of the moisture out of your body :|


Try tensing up your fist and releasing them, it helps relese the adrenaline and anger that your feeling?! Im not too good at this....Gays- Not that bad although don't think id like to see them kissing! Tell them too get a grip on reality with a teen boy around!!!!!! XD dont slap them though.......

I have a crush on my professor...what should I do?

ask him for help again and see if he has an interest in you. a guy will usually drop some hints,(mainly show extra interest in you, beyond whatever he is teaching), so as long as he feels you're his type/or age. Just continue to see him for help and maybe he'll pick up on your drift. if that fails, ask to meet him outside of cl and his available hours and see if he'll go through. then decide if he is what u want, that's the best i got. GL

Need ideas on how to reduce friction help?

If you control the material of the ramp you can use polished metal or wood. Smooth surfaces have low friction coefficients.

What 50cc sport bike is best for a 16 year old?

I'm looking for a 50cc sport bike but do not want an apprilla, I would like a bike to collect or order near Stoke on trent

The Catcher in the Rye. What movie did Holden Caulfield see?

In chapter 18 Holden goes to a movie at the Radio City Music Hall and describes it in the reading. Anyone have an idea as to what 'real life' movie this could have been? Pretty much all of the references that Salinger used in the book were based off of 'real life' things so I am sure this movie also was.

Heart to McCain....stop using our song?

lol....nah...Burt Bacharach and "Cowboy Troy' are also in the McCain camp....they ought to have some great hits...!!?!?

Please help me with this..(see details below..)?

can you give different symbols to represent CU or credit union is about money, cooperative/cooperation, banks, and likes....because our project is to make a logo about CU.. thanks!

American History X, Was the ending right?

Do you feel that the movie was ended on the right note? or do you feel that it was a bit misguiding? I'm just looking for opinion. Wanna get a brainstorm going on here.

Cant find the song i want! where can i find it?

i want this song from you tube and i cant find it on itunes its called get down by midway are there web sites or something that i can go on to get the song and download it?

Would you sue Jonathan Wogan of Furniture Link (known as ugly bald headed boy) for constructive dismissal?

C� comh neamhghairmi�il agus m�ofar mar sti�rth�ir at� s�! Anta�m gur ch�ir leat an dl� a agairt air, faoi ciapadh agus d�birt chuditheach.

Is the Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters real?

Well, I'm pretty much just curious! I been getting reallyyyyy into X-Men lately and so I been looking around and stuff. So want to help me out? Please?

External harddrive not read by computer?

I just received my Dell Inspiron 530 and connected my Maxtor external hard drive to it. The drive turns on and the computer gives the audio signal that the connection is complete, yet when I search "my computer" it doesn't show any detection of the external icon, nothing....and there is no icon on the screen. The drive was previously used with a different computer, and no software download was necessary. This is frustrating, can you help me?

School Fundraiser please help?

ok so here is the whole story my advanced chior normally has about 5 fundraisers for this time of year but everyone this year wants to have a huge percentage of our money and we just cant afford it. we need the money to purchase new supplies and to help certain kids go on our annual disney trip which this year is going to be 6 flags and we will be staying over night for the first time but i want to help my teacher come up with new fundraising ideas because she is like a second mother to be and i love her so much so PLEASE HELP!!!!

What are your nicknames for your pets?

Lennie the Bunny. Was changed to Lenny when it started my foot, and back to Lennie when I found out females hump to display dominance. She also had no male parts.

A question for a backslider......?

Why wont you stay still and witness the salvation of THE LORD, why continue in apathy? Deep inside you know only GOD holds divine peace and joy for those who seek it with a pure heart..who hunger for nothing more then righteousness. Isn't everything else vanity? GOD BLESS!!

How can I stop my download speed from dropping when I have 2 monitors?

I got my LCD HDTV to connect to my ATI Radeon 4550 graphics card using HDMI so as to have a second monitor to use for my computer. For some reason beyond my comprehension, when I enable the monitors to Extend the desktop my download speed drops ridiculously (to about 0.01 Mb/s from 12ish Mb/s). However, when I disable the new TV, it goes back to normal. Any way to stop the download speed drop from happening?

How do I use this casio keyboard?

I have a casio wk-1500 yea it's pretty darn old but my dad found it at a yard sale so he just bought it. I want to learn how to use it but since it's not from a store there aren't any users manuals with it and I can't find a single one on the internet. It has a ton of ons and i don't know what any of them do other than the ones change the sound of the keys. I want to use the sequencer on it but i have no idea how. I appreciate any help

Be honest now....?

ales use a yeast that tends to ferment at the top and ferments at about 70 degrees, lagers (crisper, lighter, and less fruity) use a yeast that ferments at the bottom at 40-50 degrees.

What do you all think of my book plot?

A little rough around the edges - but actually pretty damn good! I think this story is going somewhere! Now quick! Remove this from here before someone steals you idea!!

If Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh) was illiterate, then was Umar right about Prophet talking non sense?

thanks ....THE FIRST FIVE AYTES......cinfirmed that ....all all knowedge has been transfered to holy prophet ..........he was not at all illiterate ...but city of knowedge ........word city use to make people easier ....other wise holy prophet is universe of knowedge............regadring pen paper ....this was mistake by muslims ...they should have .........but history repeat itselves .........after 30 years ....MUSLIMS PRESENTED PAPER. duly stamped..AND imam han ......who resemble holy prophet the most.......countless salutes to holy imam han a.s

EASY QUESTION: Words to describe "TrUsT" !?

Well, I guess another word for trust that comes to mind would be loyalty. I personally think trust has alot to do with time, like you trust someone once you get to know them, and I think that certain people you just naturally trust, like teachers (most of the time), parents, and family. I believe if you have a friend who you know really well, and they introduce you to someone they know well or one of their friends/family members, you may not judge them as much because you you know your friend likes them. The definition of trust is: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. Here is a link that might help you a little, as well. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Hope this can help !

How Comes????

they all jointly refused to eat Wild Rabbit the other day, but have all munched on Possum and other meats? the word hypocritical comes to mind?

What do you make of my bloodline?

If your father or mother or both were a Philippine citizen before your birth and you are a Philippine citizen, then you are a Philippine National with Scandinavian, Scottish and Indian ancestry. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What size hutch for 2 lopped ear rabbits?

Hi, Im getting 2 french lopped ear rabbits, Im after a hutch seen this one but dont know if its too small, Cant anyone advise me on what size to get Also i dont want to spend a alful lot, I will go to about�120. Thankyou if anyone can help me...

Mirena IUD question...?

Mirena is not just used to prevent pregnancy but also to slow down a very heavy menstrual cycle(which I have). My gynecologist will not do a hysterectomy because he says ,"God put those organs in there and he will not take them out unless they are a threat to my life." He will not do an ablation. I have already had a D&C and it didn't work. I am taking a medicine(and forever will take it) that I am not supposed to take birth control pills with. (levothyroxine is the medicine). Does mirena contain the same thing that birth control pills have? I have got to do something to control these extremely heavy periods. I already have to take prescription iron pills. I had to go to the hospital before and they had to give me blood because of this problem. I just don't know what else to do. Anybody got any answers? Could I get the mirena? I am not worried about pregnancies because my tubes are already tied.

Could unemployment go to15%?

Will Obama/Pelosi policies drive unemployment to 15%?Detroit already at 20%. America has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Why would corps remain here when Canada and Ireland and other nations have considerably lower tax rates? Also corporate bashing is not good for jobs. The Dens don't seem to understand that they are setting in motion long term double digit unemployment with extreme taxation and deficits.

Why doesn't this test utilize 5.1 surround sound?

the wma is probably in stereo and broadcasting in stereo. Try changing your receiver to all channel stereo if it has this function and it should play thru all the speakers

What is the most powerful handgun you currently own and do you really enjoy shooting it?

A couple of questions posed recently by “upper Canada“ brought this question to mind. My most powerful handgun is a Savage Super Striker, chambered in .308 Winchester. I thoroughly enjoy shooting it and do so very often. Admittedly, I do not fire it standing freehand very often. I usually use it for IHMSA matches in a modified creedmore position and on a bench rest when testing loads or on a bi-pod when hunting. I’m curious about the big hand gun people have, but even more curious as to if you actually enjoy using them?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Does green iguanas get along with veiled chamaleons?

I am planning to get those two reptiles as pets and I would like to know if they can get along together

How to get good sound on cello?

You may have too much rosin on your bow. It makes it stick to the strings more and it may be sticking too much. Also, don't push as hard. If you lighten up it will smoothly go along the strings. You may also want to try changing your strings.

Should I trade in my baby??? (s2000)?

I am the very proud owner of a Honda s2000. It is completely stock with the exception of a 6 puck clutch, and it is simply the most amazing car i have ever owned. If you own one, you know what i'm talking about... If you have never driven one, you can't possibly understand what i'm talking about so don't bother making some stupid remark. It performs amazingly and I smoke just about anything that pulls up next to me (gotta love that 9,000 rpm redline!!!!) The problem is, I have 3 years of college left and I commute about 60 miles everyday. My car already has 102,000 miles on it. I just found a 2003 Mustang GT with only 8,000 miles, and they are asking $17,900!!! I know that the mustang wont preform as well as my s2000 and I will prob be disappointed with it unless I get some performance mods. What should I do?!?! I LOVE my car, but I'm not sure it will last me through college. NOTHING can compare to revving an s2000 up to 9,000 rpm. Serious comments only please!

Please help! I'm having serious problems, and I don't know what to do! ?

I know it's scary to even think this, but do you think she could be being abused (emotionally or ually) by her mother or mothers boyfriend? It's just something to think about. *Edit: There is a reason she likes being with you better. I don't want to alarm you, but children who are abused will not speak up half the time. Your husband really needs to have a talk with his ex. Good luck!

How do you get hair to look like Alfalfa's from The Little Rascals?

I'm trying to do this guys hair like that with hair gel a SUPER STRONG hair spray but it just wont stay.

A tax filing question?

I am filing married this year-should I file jointly or separately since my spouse is in the military and I was in college and we lived apart the entire year? Also, so far on turbo tax it is telling me I get no state refunds and a very low federal--is this correct and is it because I am now married whereas before I always got a higher federal refund and state refunds?? How come it will not let me enter in educational deductions just because I am married filing seperately?

Wouldn't be smart for Republicans to now "just let it go" on health care reform?

I don't think anyone should let it go. The Republicans didn't lose, all of the citizens of the USA have lost..

Can the climate change believers ration their lives first and the rest catch up later?

we are, a lot of people that are trying to make a difference are at the same time trying to make our lives more sustainable. and it is working, but with the scale of climate change, and the small amount of change we can make to emissions with out government action, it will not work! everyone needs to act now to make it work. even if every single climate change activist lived in a cave creating no pollution we would still have climate change. we need a large scale social change to fix this!

Does anyone no a karen norman she lived in sholing up to around 16 years old her ma name is ruth and dadterry?

she must be around 36 now i would dearly love to catch up with her so if anyone can help me out last time i saw her she was working in southampton a shoe shop she went to heathfield school in sholing she has a sister i think her name is hayley

What does the obsolete HD DVD mean for xbox?

dont xbox360 play HD DVD and not blu-ray? what do you think microdoft will do, and what do you think (we) the consumers can do?

I am desperate, destitute, and alone. I have an unbelievably horrific past...?

Get a job and then you can work towards your goals and dreams...they aren't going to just come to you. You need to make it happen...the first step would be gainful employment. Good luck.

Does anyone know the name of a Dolly Parton song ?

Dolly Parton made a cameo appearance in the movie "Beverly Hill Billies", she sung a song at the party thrown for Ged Clampett. (that sounds stupid sayin that, lol) Does anyone know the name of this song & if it can be downloaded anywhere or if it was ever released ????

Frankenstein. What makes the novel a clic?

In my opinion a novel becomes a clic if it is well written and interesting while stirring public discussion. Frankenstein is a clic horror story--The subject matter is just plain gross and fascinating at the same time. It is written in a manner that enthralls you emotionally--who do you have more sympathy for Dr. Frankenstein or the Monster? The public discussion it arouses revolve around these 3 questions at the very least: What are the limits to science? What is ethical/moral in science? What makes a living being human?

If someone is given a "first instance harment warning" what does this mean for them? UK.?

Consult a solicitor. He will give you the complete picture of value of your evidence and whether you should go ahead with the available material or it ain't worth it.

Problem with my name, what should I do?

I am a cat. When a little kitten, I adopted a couple of humans to look after my needs and care for me. They are fine, as far as humans go: the feed is good, lots of treats, mages, I keep my own hours and go and come as I please and so on. But there is a drawback: these humans christened me Rover. Because of this, my social life suffer. The cats tease me and refuse to socialize with me, and the dogs bark and me gleefully when I p. I am afraid to leave these humans because it's very difficult for a cat to find decent providers nowadays. Yet I can't go on living with this name. What should I do?

How to consolidate school loans?

I have 8 student loans right now, and I'm looking at monthly payments of about $700 to pay these back in a few months but theres no way I can afford that, does anyone know how I would go about getting lower monthly payments. Like someone said consolidating them but I have no clue how to do this?

Is This a Good Trade On My part?

I don't like this trade for you. You're trading a great receiver (Greg Jennings) and a decent/okay running back (Justin Forsett). I don't think Ryan Grant can run for 1K yards this year. The league is shifting into a ping game and Aaron Rodgers is arguably the best fantasy quarterback in the league, which will benefit his top receiver in Greg Jennings and hurt his running back in Ryan Grant's fantasy value. Also, I think it's about time Hines Ward pes the top receiver and go-to-receiver touch to Mike Wallace, who I think will have a breakout year.

Why do southerners get mad when I compare their HDI with a few Mexican states?

so pointing out your obvious bias and need to demonize a geographic area...and making it clear that your act isn't very being "offended" to you?

Is my rat pregnant yet or not?

i have a 10 month old female rat named Dawn, and we just recntly got a male named Sid. we wanted to breed them but i dont know how to tell if Dawn is pregnant yet or not. We keep them in seperate rooms all together, but we let them play on my bedroom floor, and sid chases her but i dont know if she got pregnant or not, and if she is shed only be like a couple days into it. And the 2 rats have been bickering a that a sign?....please help!

How many oil change per day can...?

How many oil change does those express oil change business (like Oil Changers, Pennzoil, EZ Lube,...) do in a day on average?

How do you feel about strippers?

I promote for various clubs, a strip club being one of them.I watch strippers everytime I go to the club and gotten to know some of them.Majority of these women have very deep issues which is obviously why they become strippers.Not only are they s but they are bitter about their own miserable lives that they complain about.We are tired of hearing how miserable your life is.Dont expect any of us to feel sorry for what you did to yourself when you dont want to improve but just complain.Don't get angry when the customers at the club disrespect your low cl *** as if you deserve any.Most of these girls dont want to learn and get and education so their vocabulary is all profanity.Im not saying they're not girls who dont strip for school money because I have met some also.Im sick of people who want everyone around them to feel sorry for them when they are not willing to help themselves.

Are we fwb's (friends with benefits) or are we dating?

Until he asks to be exclusive, you are fwb. I had a friend who was staying with a guy 3 nights a week, acted totally like a boyfriend ... but when she finally asked him (a year later) he said "he didn't see it as serious). I've had all of the cuddly and affectionate stuff myself from a guy who didn't want to date me. No need to dash your hopes, but don't build up any false fantasies, either?

Wouldnt the Health Care Reform be better if taken in steps?

It would better if the private insurance was dismantled and their CEOs jailed for crimes against humanity.

Is the GOP still trying to misinform the people (lie) with saying they will repeal the healthcare bill?

The GOP cant repeal anything, but of course they wont say that to their followers.They need to win at least over 100 seats to have a veto proof repeal.So i ask is this just another desperate move by the GOP ?

Does ANYONE know what's gong on with Messenger?

Messenger keeps crashing and when It ISN'T crashed I can't get into any chat rooms. I'm not getting any answers from Yahoo (what a surprise, huh?)

Are Giordano Timepieces any good?

I was wondering if anyone knew about Giordano wristwatches. Are they any good? Are they dependable? Are they an off-brand or a cheap brand as compared to Citizen, Fossil, or Seiko? Do they come with a good warranty? Is their product well made? Any input is appreciated.

Shoe Recommendation for Badminton?

I have been getting foot injuries from playing badminton. I have somehow lost my left pinky toe nail. And my big toe nails are dead from the nail hitting the front of the shoe during a sprint and a sudden stop while trying to hit a ball. Also, I have previously had ingrown toe nail on my big toe. What shoes do you recommend me to have/look for?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I literally experience a brain scrambling sensation what could this be?

Over the past few years I've had this sensation in my head that literally feels like my brain is being scrambled that's the only way i can describe it. Its not dizziness it always makes me stop what ever i'm doing and close my eyes and hold my head i feel unbalanced almost like ill fall over and then after about a minute it goes away and i get my barrings again. Its very uncomfortable and some times happens a few times a week other times it could be months before it happens again. Its happened both standing up or sitting down, its not related to getting up or sitting too fast or a change in light, i really cant find any correlations in the experiences. I'm an over all healthy 22 yr old male. Not over weight, I am a smoker, no health problems. Has anyone experienced this or know what it may be? I have not seen a doctor yet kinda nervous to go both for financial reasons and afraid that it may be something serious.

Subsidized federal stafford loans Help!!!!?

I just got a stafford loan they gave me 8,000.00 is this amount for a the whole year how does this work? Im going to need allot more then this???

Is the song, "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey secretly littered with Christian propaganda?

When Alda was seven years old he contracted polio. To combat the disease, his parents administered a painful treatment regimen developed by Sister Elizabeth Kenny that consisted of applying hot woolen blankets to his limbs and stretching his muscles.[2] This allowed him to recover from most effects of the disease.

It is soo hard to make a choice?

between my new girlfriend and my ex which i still like but i dont nknow about her and my new girl is sweet and attentive and i dont know what to do

I am having a mom's only night out party at my house; i need some ideas on drinks and appetizers?

UV Blue vodka and lemonade is amazing. YUMMY! As an appetizer buy the big flour tortilla wraps, cream cheese, and chopped black olives. Mix the cream cheese and olives and spread it on the tortilla. Do three layers alternating the tortilla and the mixture. Cut in small 1 1/2 inch squares. Use salsa as a dip for them. I also like to do BLT Pizza. Buy two rolls of crescent rolls. Spread them on a sheet pan. bake till lightly brown. after cool, spread with miracle whip or mayo, Top with shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes and chopped up bacon. I like the precooked bacon cuz it's easier. Cut in squares and serve.

What do you think of the Top Baby Names Of 2009?

Sorry, but I don't like even ONE of them! They are all tooo popular! I'm sick of hearing the same names.

Has anyone done PROJECT PAYDAY??? does it work??? any drawbacks?

project payday is not the best way to make money yes you can make money with it make a couple hundred every month or so i use this site a href="" rel="nofollow" but woth project payday you are going to need money to do the things inside the book so i am not sure if i can really say whats inside the ebook or not but it basically tells you about selling things to make money so you can make money with it but i dont personally use it for my source of income i use affiliate marketing for my income but hey its your choice

Can you love a man that's not "smart"?

Opposites attract. You may not think of him as "book smart" but I would rather have him there than a neurosurgeon if i was trapped inside a burning building. He knows about things that are important to him, he has his own area of expertise.

What is the title of this movie?

Kirk Douglas starred along side a young man and a young woman. The young woman and man each had psychic powers. In the end, the young woman made a bad guy go blind just by thinking about it and his eyes bled when she did it. This is a pretty old movie...can you name it?

Is this a good deal for the new Macbook?

I have a school discount right now to get the 2.4 GHz Aluminum Macbook for $1349. After getting AppleCare and taxes, the final price is close to $1666. I've never bought a Mac before and I was going to give my current laptop to my mom. I'm just paranoid that the price is still too much. I know Macs are generally overpriced but I want something new, nice, and good.

Why isn't my boyfriend trying very hard to have a relationship with my daughter?

Okay, I have been with him for quite a while now & we have a great relationship for the most part. I have a four year old daughter, I had her in high school. I broke up with my child's father when I was pregnant because that 2 year relationship was just a mess. That boy was my first kiss, first everything & things became more obsessive and way crazy. Anyways, I waited over three years before I even kissed another guy. Now my bf who love to death is practically living with me. Every night he's there after work & leaves to work the next morning. We do things with my daughter a lot (but also have our alone time).He gets along great with her, and cuddles with her. They seem to have a good relationship(i don't know what you'd call it). I'm not asking for him to take over fatherhood or anything at all!! I don't want him to feel burdened by this. But if you date me, you date my daughter too! They do love each other, she asks for him all the time! Well today he has the day off (he works A LOT, usually gets one day a week), and we woke up & I was getting ready for work when usually he takes his day off when i'm off. So my daughter wanted to go to the festival and I was like oh you and cynthia (my roommate) can go take her! He said he was just going to go home and chill with his friend. I kind of got offended and sad like you have never actually spent the day with her, wouldn't that be fun? We started bickering about it and in the midst of it all he said "she's not MY kid!" Well now i'm at work & he went home but came back. Now he's with my daughter & bestfriend doing exactly what he said he didn't want to do. What happened? Is he hesitant to keep progressing in our relationship? Does he not want to give my daughter the wrong idea? I mean she knows who her real dad is even though he isn't around. He also likes to remind me from time to time that we don't live together even though he showers every day and sleeps every night at my place, & even slips up & calls it "our place" sometimes he even slips & calls me his "wife" flattering & i love it. But why does he have to always make things "clear"?

What Kind of Singer am I?

I am a 23 year old guy who can comfortably perform in a vocal range of low A to high G. While this seems just a solid baritone range, when I get warmed up my voice stretches up about 3 half steps and i can squeeze out notes as high as Bb (Which would actually make me a bari-tenor right? However if I allow myself to start putting throat into low notes I can go down to low Gb-F without significantly loosing volume (this would make me a bari-b though). So I guess then my clification would come down to the texture of my voice or something? I guess I just dont know where I fit into the singing community or what music is right for me, please help.

Who agrees that Kelly Kelly should end The Undertaker's WM streak?

Wrestling Fans always scream for more original and exciting matches so check this out. The Phenom, The Deadman The Undertaker who is undefeated at Wrestlemania vs The Greatest Diva of all Time Kelly Kelly Wrestlemania 26. No one would see it coming and buyrates would be through the roof. What do you think?

Is there any drawbacks to registering your iPhone?

When I plug it in, iTunes asks me to register my iPhone. Is there any drawbacks from this if I decide to sell my iPhone in the future?

Do those who buy in a panic always win big?

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Christians, If Jesus' death is the final sin sacrifice?

The bible never says that no one will ever offer sacrifices again. It says that Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin according to God. People often do what they choose to do, no matter what God has decreed.


Tough one, but I like Rory Emerald better. I do like it when Bill gets into arguements because it is HILARIOUS!! RORY EMERALD AND JODIE FOSTER RULES!!

Ice Dam - Roofing Work Which Option Do You Recommend?

Option # 2 sounds better as it mentions replacing the valleys and installing ice and water shield on all the areas.

My family found historic gold, what should we do?

LONG READ BUT DEF WORTH IT! Ok last week my sister and I found a map about 5 feet under the ground in a field close to our home. The map was in a brown case with writing on it in different language. So we took the map home and showed it to the family. It looked extremely old, and soon we found that it was a map of our home town. There were places pinpointed, so we decided to take the car and drive to those places. Once we got there, there was a sort of monument which was half broke, and on it it read 'those who dig the furthest will find the throne, up the hill and behind the stone'. We didn't know what it meant but something clicked to mind and I said it couldn't be 'The Stone' could it?' So we decided to journey to the place known as 'the stone'. When we got there we had to drive the car to the top of the hill in order to reach the stone. The stone was there alright but it was too big to move on our own. We decided to dig around one side of it so that the stone would fall to one side. We finally got it moved after an hour or two and behind the stone was a cave. We entered it and seen the was nothing there, and thought this was a waist of time, but then we remembered what the monument said ' those who dig the furthest will find the throne', so we decided to dig for a while. We dug for about 4 foot and found nothing but we had to keep digging, an hour later we dug to about 8 feet and heard an noise when we hit the shovel to the ground. So we got on our knees and scd the dirt away and you wouldn't believe it but we found gold and lots of it. Things that seemed hundreds of years old. There must have been about 50 pieces of gold, so we packed the car and we had to come back for the rest as there was too much. It is now sitting at our home, but we don't know what to do with it, should we keep it, sell it or tell authourities or something as this is very historic pieces of gold!

Banknote Collectors. Question with some serial numbers on $1 bills?

Your notes are common. The letters in the serial numbers are the letter for the Federal Reserve District the note was issued for. The first district being Boston uses a number 1 or an A. Cleveland Ohio is the 4th district so a 4 or an D, which is the 4th letter of the alphabet.San Francisco is the 12th so an L. You have nothing out of the ordinary. Keep looking for who knows what is still out there. If you want to go through paper money a book on them would help, see a coin dealer for one or a large book store like Borders.

Some good training treats for a Pom/chi mix?

So I am housebreaking my puppy, he is having a tough time with this whole potty training thing, just when I think we made a breakthrough, he pees on my bed or something. But anyways alot of people say rewarding the dog is helpful when they got outside, but the puppy treats my husband got are so big for the puppy! If I give him a treat when he goes potty, he cant eat it quickly, he has to sit and work on it for a good 5 mins. Any treats that are for smaller breeds of puppy?

I play with girls hearts and I love hating myself for doing so...and I dont know how to stop. Can you help me?

yo dude add me does it work with aim and my aim name is babybrooke8800 ( please add me i cant add on this comp

Atehists are heavthens!~?

Ohhh.... one answer and you even got that wrong. You may want to reread the answer to the question you linked to above.

I have Some Army Questions?

Just memorize Army rank structure before you go, and if you can p the PT test before you even start, you'll be much better off. Work on upper body strength especially, girls your size can have some serious problems with the push ups in the Army.

I am a teenager who is rly petite.?

IM about 5 ft tall and 85 lbs. The low weight may seem anorexic but keep in mind im short. So i was just wonderin wat kind of jeans would look best on me? Ive seen magazine articles about jeans to compliment ur body shape, but ive nvr seen anything about jeans tht compliment petite girls.

What is a great site of American history?

I am doing a project where I have to select a site of state representaion whether it be a statue, park, monument or any other form of representing the nation-state. Can anyone help me out?

How do i end this relationship... this is really hard.?

You should definitely leave him right away. Oh my gosh, please leave him that is absolutely horrifying. Do it for women everywhere. Honest to God, just go.

Horoscope section: Do Cancer people still care about you if they act like they don't?

Lets say I know someone who is a Cancer and treats me harshly. I guess Cancers don't show you their love you know. They say hard on the outside soft on the inside. Do they still care about you when they come off mean and harsh and you haven't talk to them in months? I am a Gemini by the way!

What are the stages of grieving and hurt?

Recently I've found out my boyfriend was sleeping with my best friend and I was with him for 2 years. And when we spilt up, them two got together. Now, when I found out, I was distraught, I couldn't cope and ended up putting myself in hospital, but as soon as I got out, everything changed for me, I was still hurt, but happy at the same time, I didn't shed a tear over it... for about 2 weeks. Then all of a sudden it just completely hit me! I've been crying everday and night, and it's constantly on my mind! Is this the stages of grieving? Is there a calm before the storm? And once the storm has occured it will clear up? I've been hurting really badly for the past month...

Bogus phone call?

sounds like it was a prank call... if he calls back tell him you've been in contact with the police and you're having the call traced (even if you're not), then when he hangs up call the police and report it as harment. if you only gave him your name and age, I wouldn't worry too much about because he can't steal your identity with only that information. If you gave him any other personal info - social security number, credit card numbers, etc - report it to the police IMMEDIATELY and cancel those credit cards so they can't be used.

Please rate my poem from 1-10?

Wow, pretty good. I would rate it a 7.9 or maybe an 8.3. Its good but just check some grammar errors. Maybe a specific rhyme scheme would help. Good Luck! to take what my friend is doing/acting towards me?

i have a good friend... at times FWB that suffers with bi polar... ive known him about 9 months... anyway..the week before st pattys he called me which he does do every once in a while..usually i call him but he had some good news and wanted to know had i eaten, he had supper ready... so i went over (plus hes a good cook)...and stayed the night...then after i couldn't get a hold of him for over a week until st pattys... and he answered my call and was just very agitated/irratable and told me he just wanted to be alone, its not me, just where he is at right now and he was looking forward to his lease being up with his cousin so he could live i didn't take it to personally based on that...and i said well you know... can i come over for a little while, sure but he said it wouldn't be a good idea for me to stay over and when i said why he gave me the spiel about how he wants to be alone...

Tell me the difference?

Because Pakistans have a reputation for ball tampering, spectators don't know if they are at it again or aquiring reverse swing by legitimate means ... there's a lot of doubt. Pakistan shot themselves in the foot by doing it in the first place ... now the whole world is watching them.

Help coming out please answer!?

Ask that boy out...whats the worse he can say is no... when you are dating invite him over to your house for dinner and tell you dad that fun and the drama unfold...dont tell your mom on mothers day.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Role of feeling y in daily life?

Oh my gosh... I"m working on my Psych degree and you lost me at some point. I somewhat understand where you are going with this but, this could seriously be an entire thesis paper. There's so much to answer here that I am going to have to think for a couple of days and answer better later. I will start with the very first of your question though and say that anytime anyone does any sort of "studying" while doing another task... their brain starts to connect the two. IE: doing a hard algebra question while listening to a specific song, getting the answer. When given the same question again, if one were to listen to that song, they would likely succeed in the same answer. I would think that if one were thinking ual thoughts while working and listening to the same "blue print"... the same outcome would continue to happen.

Appetizer restaurants that are nationwide in the USA?

Are there any restaurants out there that just serve appetizers? Not like a local diner only secluded to where you live, but known ones?

Spanish Speakers?

Could you recommend a website or something where I can find free Spanish stories - something simple, maybe kiddies stories? I've done an online beginner's course and will keep moving through those, but they are so very restricted in terms of vocab. I'm really sick of saying 'I have 5 pesos, how many pesos do you have?' I don't have time for an evening cl, and unfortunately I don't know any Spanish speakers who could help me learn/practise the language. Think reading might be my best shot. I'd appreciate any advice/ideas/recommendations. Gracias :-)

Does anyone know any good rappers to listen to?

These are the rappers I have in my iPod right now: Akon, Big L, Baby Boy, Bone Thugs, Common, Chamillionaire, Chuckie Akenz, Coolio, D-Pryde, Eminem, Fort Minor, The Grouch, Immortal Technique, Jin, Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Nas, Snoop Dog, Three 6 Mafia, Traphik, 2pac, Usher, Wiz Khalifa, Xzibit, Yung Joc, and 50 Cent.

Driver who hit me (at fault) insurance company dragging feet...?

Another suggestion would be to contact a Personal Injury Attorney - they will (in some cases) provide up front monies to help you get by until the case is settled. An intial interview should not cost you any money - but please, PLEASE, know what percentage of any settlement the attorney will keep prior to singing on.

Help! Does he like me?

yep..... just doesnt know how to say it. make a move.... or set it up so its easy for him to make a move. dont let the others grab at u infront of him... may turn him off and he may think ur just easy

What Green Lantern do you think they will have on smallville?

Actually, those are what's confirmed. They may have said no Allan Scott, but never no Green Lantern. And it's not the rights to Hal, it's Green Lantern itself that's tied up. However, GL isn't a Batman or Wonder Woman, so it would probably be all right to feature A GL. Also, they could have said "No Allan Scott" only to make you **** yourself when he shows up. Knowing Smallville, it could be a blend of anything, as well. A Guy Gardner wearing a clic ring. But I doubt that if it is a Corp's member, it would be Kyle. It just wouldn't be right to introduce him before any of the others. (especially Hal)

What should my beauty regimen be to get ready for New Years Eve?

Take a hot bath using a LUSH bath bomb and bubble bar. Then buff your dry and bumpy parts with a body er.

In pokemon diamond which pokemon should i have...please i need help ill give best answer to my favorit answer?

im thinking of umbreon or espeon wich of the to are the best i need hel and for the one u choose can u give em a good move set

Would a Christian stay devout if there was no 'reward'?

Since we are playing the impossible scenario game....Yes. I would still follow. The reason being, adhering to the tenets of my faith has made my life and the life of those around me truly blessed. I have overcome drug addiction, gang involvement and even the death of one of my daughters through my faith. I would not abandon Christ, afterlife or no.

Who knows how to report a suspicious email report from yahoo?

DeeJay, NEVER open anything, even if it is from yahoo if you don't understand it from the get go! just hit delete. I have received allot of these things lately also from "Daemon" I have no Idea what they are, so I have just been deleting them , because when I try to get istance it is more trouble, I fill out these questionnaires completely, then they send me another email saying they need more information! It is just so defeating it is not worth the trouble! When you know they can access your account, why can't they just view it? It seems, Joyce Has some info, so go with her! she is very helpful!!! good luck.

What are some great fundraising ideas?

I'm competing for the title of Miss California Teen USA 2011 and I need to raise money for my causes, which are purchasing wheelchairs for my local hospital, giving money to the families at the Ronald McDonald House, and helping the BP oil spill. If you have any ideas please tell me :) thank you so much! :)

My bones are always cracking and I'm only 18 years old..?

If I twirl my wrists around they crack constantly and whenever I bend down my knees and ankles crack and like my ankles and knees and stuff will get really stiff so i'll crack them and they'll feel better and just whenever i move my ankles around a certain way they'll crack.. i'm lacktose intolerant so i don't get as much calcium as i should but i'm only 18 and i don't understand why my bones are so stiff and crack all the time.. i don't wanna do any permanent damage but it's very hard to avoid, it's not just the cracking of the knuckles every once in a while it's like everywhere and i can't stop or else i get really stiff and uncomfortable.. can someone help me out? thanks.

Are you sick of POLITICS?

Who cares anymore? I'm sick and tired of of all the non-sense BS. WE as Americans need to help us hekp ourselves and put politics away once and for all. Politics, Dems. and Rep. bickering and back stabbing is how we got this way!!!

Is it true Yahoo will chose 100 of the smartest questions & 100 smartest answers & will send?

Since this site opened, there haven't been 100 smart questions or answers. This may happen by 2043, based on current content.

What is an obsolete software key?

I keep getting this problem for my router and every time i choose to fix it my router stops working. I am afraid to fix it again for that reason but it keeps showing up as a registry program error

If i was quoted at $16,990 for a car but my payments were 340/mth. for 72/mth And the total comes to $24,408.?

What is the APR they used. And what is the equation I can use to figure out what an APR would add on?

Feliz dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe to everybody?

I don't celebrate it cause I'm not from that religion but I know that its really important to you guys so I give all my respect

Daily eating advice?! lose 10 lbs?!?

Hey your diet is very good--all healthy, but be careful not to over-do it. Your stomach most likely hurts because too many fruits and veggies can make you bloated. Also, even though its wheat bread, it seems you eat a lot of it (lots of fiber) which can also upset your stomach. So you are doing everything perfectly just slow down on the bread and certain veggies.

I was kind of curious if anyone knew how i could write celebrities...?

i was thinking about writing a letter to lindsey lohan and a few other celebrities, does anyone know how i can reach them like a po box or whatever

Anyone have any tips on playing tenors?

I want to play tenors in drumline next year but i dont know what to practice to get good enough. I am pretty good friends with one of the tenor players this year and i was thinking about askin him for help.

How much time should I give him?

I left my husband a year ago because I was unhappy and angry in our marriage. I never felt like a priority and he was always so indecisive about everything. I moved in with my new boyfriend about 3 months after I left my husband. I knew from the moment I uttered the words that I wanted a divorce, I was making a mistake. However, my anger and frustration got the best of me and I started seeing this new guy who was actually a friend of mine for many years. My husband moved on as well, only he ended up having his girlfriend move here from another state and now she is living in what was once our home. I have since broken things off with my boyfriend and moved out. I decided that after a year of not seeing or speaking to my husband, that I wanted to work things out. He said he still loves me, is still in love with me and misses me terribly. He said he made a mistake having his girlfriend move in so quickly, but that he doesn't know what he wants to do. I am sure that it is difficult for him to tell his new girlfriend this news. I have not given my husband an ultimatum or a time frame, but I don't know how much time I should give him before I tell him that I'm moving on. I don't want to wait for ever and I feel that if he isn't willing to be upfront with his girlfriend and tell her to leave so that he and I can try and work on our marriage, that he truly doesn't want to be with me. We've been spending a lot of time e-mailing/texting and going to lunch together. I miss him a lot, but I don't want to fall back into the old pattern of me having to fight to make every decision for us and feeling like less than a priority. Does anyone have any advice on how much time I should give him to make up his mind?

What advice would you give to incoming college freshman whose interests leave him befuddled in choosing majors?

I am 18, college-bound for the fall, and I can't decide on where I see myself. My original plan was to head into law, but I did my research and learned, to my dismay, that law is a very very popular career choice. Second I considered Computer Engineering and Science but than I had a peek into the past and remembered how poorly I did in my High School math cles and then foresaw a future of pain and stress for the next four years as CE or CS major. Than I came to a realization that the my interests in life usually go back to these four things: coffee, music, philosophy, and literature. How in hell am I suppose to choose a major with interest that usually leave people with the opinion that those who have only such interest will end up broke and homeless. I really want to have my majors down before I attend my college orientation next month and see my adviser to pick cles. I really would like to double major. I have considered just becoming a business and cognitive science major and just go into business. I mean I love coffee and I always had this dream to move to Seattle, Washington, the coffee capital, or to San Fransisco, CA and just starting my own independent coffee shop. I mean there are three independent coffee shops that are doing pretty well for themselves, and my hometown isn't the most lucrative place to do business. Heck I live in Cali and and there are so many good small suburban cities I could go to rather than a big one like San Fran. What do you think? What do you recommend? Any advice for me?

How could you use a density gradient column to...?

if you have a density gradient column and place the car on the top, where the density is lowest in the column, the car will sink through the gel. if the car is made of metal, the car will sink until it reaches its density, much lower in the column (higher density) than if the car were made of plastic

Did you know?

Everything on earth and space is the result of mathmatics? precise calculations and articulate algorithms; just look at every single DNA on this planet. It's all thanks to math you exist yet you deny math. If you don't accept math as your creator you shall perish.

I am tring to connet to the shared folder using the IP of a friend of mine.?

if your friend is in your network, then it should work. if your friend is not within your network, you will need your friend's IP address. try using yahoo or aim to do a share folder.

Does this explain why most liberals do not understand the U.S. Constitution?

You need to read the Constitution in order to understand it. Our Founding Fathers gave us a huge amount of writings about the debates that took place during the forming of the Constitution. They gave us the definitions of the wording that they but in the Constitution. But again, if you do not read it , you can not understand it. It is an easy read, one can read it in under an hour. Don't take others telling you what is in there, find out for yourself.

Do you personally have one of these credit cards?

I am sure if you look closely on the terms that these are fixed intro rates for probably 6 to 9 billing cycles. After the intro rates expire, they will more than likely change your rate to a higher % and it will be an adjustable rate. I had just talked to my credit card company last week and they told me fixed rate cards are hard to come by these days except for introductory rates.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How is veto an example of checks and balances?

Congress is the branch that makes laws, the president is the guy who signs the laws. If the law sucks, he veto's it. If it's such a great law, congress can over-ride the veto if they can get a super-majority on a vote (2/3's).

Helppp with thiss song name ?

ok well the singer is a girl and the music sounds kind of old the only line i can remember is "and through my darkest nights" kthankss<3

I found out the a month ago I have family in America should I try to find them I'm from Sweden?

I think they went over there around the 1800s, I would really like to get to know them thanks for your answers

1995 Nissan 200SX SE?

That's certainly not too many miles on the car as long as you do regular maintinence like changing the spark plugs, oil change etc. These cars don't have a timing belt which normally needs to be replaced every 120.000 kilometers, it has a timing CHAIN which virtually lasts forever. Just take car of regular stuff and it will last a long time. Hope that helps! :)

I play virtual villagers, i cant go over 90 pop. i saw one with 863 pop., how do i get over 90 pop?

I play virtual villagers. Im not great at it but i have completed it (well i could have but i messed up at the end). Just keep working at it and you will get it eventuly get it. If you want to increase pop then start breeding. Also heres a trick: the time for the game runs on the time on your computer so put the time forward on your computer system the game will jump forward. Use this carefully though because if things are not right with your villagers you could end up killing them all.

When bickering on politics, do you follow what the founding fathers said?

Did you know that there were multiple founding fathers? Not insulting Jefferson, but... all of your quotes are from him.

gg my selfff?

I want to finger my self but where do i put my fingers and what do i do like push in and out or twirl them or what please help and dont say if u dont know then dont do it or anything i just need advice plaease

What do you do for relaxation, im doing a project for my health cl and i have to do a preaentation...?

i need to do this activity with the cl for 15 min so it needs to be kind of fun. i dont want to do yoga or anything like that. i need some thing like playing cards or oragami, just and activity i could do

Cost of drainage of a Pilonidal Cyst at an urgent care!? W/O insurance!?

By the sounds of reading other postings, I'm uming my wife has a pilonidal cyst, and it's big enough to where I bet its going to need draining, but she's scared it's going to cost too much without insurance. She just switched jobs, and dosent have any insurance right now. Does anyone have any idea on the cost? We need help asap.

Help! What do I do if I feel like my boyfriend's mother causes problems in our relationship?

I'm 28 years old and so is my boyfriend. We are getting married in July and just recently I found out that my boyfriend's mother doesn't care too much for me. Along the way I had my doubts of her not liking me, but now I really feel like she doesn't. Me and her were emailing back and forth one day about a bridal shower and how I miss my him not being around so much. He moved to a new town back in Dec. to start a job so he only lives about an hour away now, but I was telling her how I worry about things and how I miss him a lot since he is away. Well we emailed back and forth and at one point I received an email from her where it looked like she had been writing back and forth to her sister Donna about me. In it, it said that I was messing with her son and that she didn't know about me. Also she stated to her that she had sent me an email that was kind of mean and that she didn't care if it upset me or not. After reading this I wrote back and told her that I didn't think I was supposed to receive that email. Then it took her several hours to write back and when she did she said nothing was said in those emails that hasn't been said before. Then she stated that someone had been getting in and out of her email account and she didn't know how I received those emails. So I tried to let it go and even write her back and act as if nothing happened, but then when I went to send an email I couldn't. I received an error message about an incorrect email address. Well later that day I talked to my boyfriend and told him of the mean email that his mom sent and he said he would talk to her about it. I was so hurt after reading I was messing with her son and that she didn't know about me. I never expected anything like this from her, but along the way I have always been so worried or scared that she didn't like me. At that point it was clear to me that she didn't if she was writing things like this to her sister about me. So my boyfriend tried to talk to his mom about the mean email I received and he wasn't mean to her in any way, but he told her he kind of thought the email was mean in a way towards me. At this point she gets all upset with him since he disagreed with her so she yells, then his father gets on the phone and yells at him. His father tells him he isn't helping out in any way with our wedding plans/the reception hall and then he hangs up on him. His parents were going to help pay for part of the reception hall for our wedding. So after this happened several days later my boyfriend is talking to his mom and father again like nothing happened. I understand because they are his parents, but just because they are his parents doesn't make the things they do and say right. All because he disagreed with his mom on the email being mean they canceled on our reception hall. From this point forward it really bothered me that he could just let this go with them and allow his mother to think that her email wasn't mean. I know he got into a little argument about it with both of them, but they acted as if everything was okay between them. I could not forgive my parents if they ever did that to me with my wedding. Especially if they did it just because we disagreed upon something like a mean email. I was really aggravated, hurt, and frustrated after all of this happened so I decided to write his mom and tell her exactly what I think of her and her behavior. All this time that I have dated her son she has always been fairly nice to me, but along the way she has always made little comments or jokes to get at me in some sort of way. So I wrote to her about things that she has said and done, her behavior with her two sons, and how she feels about them both having girlfriends. My boyfriend has a twin brother Tyler who also has a girlfriend. Anyways their mom hates Tyler's girlfriend and it's all over nonsense. She hates the girl because she stays at her son's home and she disagrees with the whole before marriage. Although she doesn't go to church or anything like that. With her hating his girlfriend it all started with us going on a vacation trip together. We went on a trip and me and Tyler's girlfriend had our own separate room from the guys. Well Amy fell asleep watching tv in the floor with Tyler and their mom flipped out over it. Her behavior over that ruined the rest of the trip and no one really talked to one another after that night. I know it was disrespectful for the girl to fall asleep in the floor because we did have our own beds, but they were fully clothed and sleeping with the tv/lights on. Also I felt like if the mom was really upset it should have been more of a problem to talk to with her son rather than to take it out on the girl. Anyways this whole time the mother has continued to hate Tyler's girlfriend for things that really don't make sense. I know she gets upset because the girl stays up at her son's house, but shouldn't she be gettiing upset with her son and n

I really want to be with my best friend but she took her ex boyfriend back?

This girl and I have been best friends for a while, but we have recently expressed how we wanted to be together. She recently broke up with her ex boyfriend who she loved who cheated on her with a girl she hates, and we started to talk. It was a time we used to talk every day on the phone and used to see each other. We would even go to sleep on the phone together. I have always been there for her when she talked about how much she loved her ex and how much he had hurt her(even though I didn't want to hear it), I have been there for her when she cried over stuff, and I even stopped messing with other girls because I really thought I was going to be with her. I love her as a friend right now, but she is the type of what I want in a girlfriend. We made out a few times and we told each other how we felt and we loved each other. All of a sudden her ex boyfriend comes back and they went back out. Not only that, but it be days she don't even text me or call, and when she do call it we only talk on the phone for 10-20 minutes. She be talking to me rudely and cussing me out and really have been changing. I already accepted that we are not going to be together but I still have feelings for her, and it is hard to be friends with her knowing that she got back with somebody who did her wrong and that I could have treated her way better than how her boyfriend treated her. I really have been thinking about not talking to her for a while until I get over my feelings for her, but I don't think that is a great idea. IMO I think I deserve better than how I have been treated by her. But I am asking should I leave her alone until I can get over my feelings for her, or keep talking to her because she is really a good best friend? And I wanted to ask do y'all think she was so hurt over her ex that she needed someone to talk to and she just fell for me? Basically was I just A rebound?

This doesn't mean my ex wants me back, does it? My friend said it does O_O help *10 points*?

LMAO from that little convo, I wouldnt exactly jump the gun and say he wants you back, and even if he did, it might just be as a rebound. Just try to build up talking to him more and looking for more hints :P

How to get out of my own shell?

All my life I've been painfully shy. I never joined in any groups at school, never took part in gym cl, never went on cl field trips, never ever talked in cl, ignored the teacher when I was called on, etc. I am 31 now, & even more withdrawn, I'm terrified of EVERYTHING...meeting & socializing with people makes me literally sick, even while I'm writing about this I feel like throwing up. I can't relate to people at all. I can express myself when I'm writing, but speaking to anyone, even my boyfriend, makes me come across like an idiot. I stutter, mumble, can't articulate what I'm trying to say. Basically when it comes to other human beings I feel like an alien, like I don't know how to open up, what I'm supposed to say, or act, or who I'm supposed to be. Everyone thinks I'm so weird, & I guess I am, can't even fit into my own species. I went deep into my own shell a long time ago, & now I don't know how to get out.

Suggestions for good chirstmas music?

Jingle bell, Jingle bell rock, the most wonderful time of the year, and last christmas are my favorites. May be you should try and listen to the oldies. They are good stuff.

Rude pregnant girlfriend?

Why is my pregnant girlfriend so rude to me? She is about 10.5 weeks into the pregnancy. We live together and we have been together for a long time but lately she has been very standoffish. Mostly she just ignores me, but when she does acknowledge me its either to bicker at me for something or to just look at me with disgust just before rolling her eyes at me.

Is there any way I can help her?

My sisters were recently in a car accident. My sister Michelle, who was driving, broke her leg and a few other bones. My sister Madeleine is now in a coma and Michelle feels responsible for it. What can I do to help her?

Should i see the doctor for my wrist? It makes a crackly sound when I "twirl' it.?

I have had something like this before, it might be tendinitis where your tendons swell up, you need to stop doing what you are doing that is creating this. maybe wrapping your wrist will help it helped me. I got it from playing tennis the wrong way, but also ibuprofane will reduce the swelling in your wrist

8th grade graduation speech?

we have to write about what the lyric "The rest is still unwritten" means to us from the song Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. i was just wondering how i should start and end it because its not like other graduation speeches i think. i was thinking about starting off with the definition of unwritten maybe? idk im just asking for suggestions!

My dogs ear is swollen?

I have a very small fluffy dog (maltipoo). The tips of her ear is swollen. It is not red or bothering her at all. It does not weigh down her head or cause her to act differently. When I touch it, it doesn't even bother her. It isn't even squishy. But it is more swollen than it was in the past week and I am worried about it. What could be the problem?

Will I be single forever?

Try doing volunteer work like planting trees, after school clubs, somthin like that. You might get luck and meet some cute girls there, and you'll both have something in common! Anyway, my idea is "there is a match for everyone in the world." good luck!!

Need help with hooke's law calc problem?

Integration gives arcsin(y/a) = t/sqrt(km) + C, which may be put into the form y = a sin(t/sqrt(km) + C).

Microsoft Word will not save, and the program continues to lock up.?

It sounds like MS Word is corrupted somehow. You may need to try reinstalling it if possible. Otherwise I personally have no clue.

Boys school harment help please?

OK, I would've punched him ages ago but that's not your kind of defense. so what you need to do is just tell him all the times about what he's done to you! 2 months!?! AND HE DIDN'T GET IN TROUBLE!?!?!? Wow, yeah and also, amp up your emotions when your talking about the fight and how he has been haring you, start crying hard.

Am i having a miscarriage?

You can't miscarry if you aren't pregnant. First you need to confirm the pregnancy and then go from there.

Guinea Pig Question??

When a Guinea Pig runs around its hutch when your trying to get it out, what do you do? i've tried stroking them first but nothing works and they just run around and go mental. its hard just standing there for ages. even when i get hold of them they manage to wriggle free and then i feel like giving up and just not bothering. what should i do?

Step-parenting question.... What would you do?

Absolutely not, no say in my opinion. If the girls mom AND dad both are fine with it then she is out numbered anyway. If the mom was allowing it and both the dad and step mom genuinely didn't agree then I would say there needs to be a discussion about it but the discussion should be between the mom and dad only. Even if mom and step mom were both okay with it and dad was not I would still say discussion between mom and dad. I don't think step mom's opinion makes any difference whether she was for or against it.

Can anyone tell me how to add a pword to videos that i creat using windows movie maker?

can anyone tell me how to add a pword to videos that i creat using windows movie maker in windows xp.

Things to do on a long bus ride to Florida?

My high school band and choir are going to Orlando, Florida this summer to perform at MusicFest Orlando. We're from Chester, Illinois, so it's a really long drive. We'll run out of things to do, and get bored, so I was just wondering what are some fun things you can do? We're taking a charter bus. I'll have my phone, DS, iPod, some movies, a camera, possibly a laptop, and maybe a deck of cards. Is there anything else cheap and portable that I could take? All answers are welcome.

Cl installer denies the requet to install or upgrade this device error on xp home?

every time i try to install my epsom perfection scanner i get this anoying error, it worked fine when i had xp pro on, but since a reformat to xp home i cant install it. i have spoken to epsom that have said it is a file in the registry. i have used registry repair pro, that did not work, i have put on the latest epsom drivers although im not sure if they are installing properly(twain 5.53) turned the scanner on and as soon as it finds new hardware and finds the drivers to install with it, i get the microsft doesnt recognise box so i tick continue anyway just as i have done with xppro before and wham i get that error message. i have scanned my computer for a virus. NEGATIVE, searched google NEGATIVE spent hours tearing my hair out trying to solve this issue and guess what NEGATIVE, please help me

My landlord is threating to sue me . . .?

in the last week of august after we cleaned our carpet we found out that there was some mold under it. long story short, it took them till oct, after we called code enforcementnt to rip the carpet up. they painted the floor under it and left 1/4 - 1 inch gaps under the floor boards( have a 3 y.o.) then they failed the compliance inspetion. so we're witholding rent till she fixes it. she called us today and started screaming how she wasn't going to fix the floor that she isnt responsible, we are and that she is going to sue us for the rent we theres 3 of us in the house, and we're all crammed in one room ( its a 2 br house and all the furniture is in one room) do i have any options? also would i be able to counter sue for the floor repair and maybe for some pain and suffering? i live in upstate NY

What do you think of people who dress like this...?

When u are on a free country it doesnt matter. We have to live life to the fullest and dont care what someone thinks bout how we dress. Cheers! XD

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Can anyone translate this from English to Spanish?

can't do your homework for you but try typing in each word and getting the meaning of each and write it down until it looks good......wish i knew spanish i would help you. i only know a little. house means casa, he means senior wolf

When i'm coming to a complete stop, am i supposed to hold the clutch in?

cus my bike has a jerky effect to it when im slowing down to around 5mph without engaging in the clutch.

Crackling headphones in laptop?

The speakers in my laptop work fine, the sound is completely fine but when I plug in any time of headphones, all I can hear from them is a crackling sound in accordance to the music playing. It's not the headphones, they're new. What is it and how can I fix it? Thanks

Am I the only conservative who wishes we would get a candidate who had a spine?

I am sick of Republicans (like Lindsey Graham for one) who are spineless and will not stand up to the administration and both houses of congress. I want someone to stand up and fight for us. Not read a poll and change with the wind. Is there anyone out there? I want someone with honest Moral values, a true fiscal conservative! Will someone please stand up? Hurry! I want someone like Ronald Reagan! A true patriotic American, who encourages others to be proud Americans.

When does my free night and weekend begin and end?

I have AT&T Wireless (formerly cingulair) and wondered when my free time starts, i presumed it was 7pm to 7am but you have to pay extra for that.

Help translating "Love is the higher law" from English to Irish Gaelic!!!?

"Is � an gr� an dl� n�os airde" although I think it would sound better as "Is � an gr� an dl� is airde" (Love is the highest law), but the first one is still grammatically correct.

Cheerleading, tumbling, gymnastics and contortion?

Lots of questions. My daughter is 14 and has done cheer and gymnastics for 3 years. She was recently picked for the gymnastics team and they said the only big down-fall was she was too old. We should have started her younger. She is 5FT2IN and weighs 100 lbs.and seems to have the perfect build for gymnastics. All ages are good for cheer. There are always teams that are looking for strong athletes. They don't all have to be tumblers to be on a cheer team. On gymnastics she practices 7 hours a week. Cheer was 5 hours a week. As far as a large chest...there is a girl on her gymnastics team that has a huge chest and can fly through the air. I am sure she has been doing this for years though. Most people would look at her and think she was obese. But she is almost Olympic level. Hair...if long....has to be tied up and kept out of the way. As far as practice and dedication. Some girls can practice for years and still stay at beginner level. Other girls can be doing cheer or gymnastics for a few months and pick right up on everything. All people are individuals and learn at different speeds. Unless you will never know.

Marrying someone with a lot of debt ??

i live in florida and have A++ credit. say i was to marry someone with really really bad credit and a lot of debt. how might this affect me ?? i know if we applied for anything jointly it would do so but what about if he ped away ? i'm not responsible for anything that was before i was in the picture am i ?? please only answer if you 100 percent sure thanks.

Are conservatives like New Gingrich more moralistic than liberals like Bill Clinton?

I hope US will be alot wiser and actually look into the backgrounds of upcoming hopefuls. It's easy with the Internet to see their voting history. Some prominent US govt figure got a DUI a few yrs back & that won't be 'leaked' to the PRESs.

How can I unprotect audio files in order to convert them to MP3 format ?

there is software to do this // it is not illegal // what the software does is it actually re-records your wma files into mp3 format (sort of like the way high speed dubbing works with cette tape players) // (this is not illegal) // seek out // protected music converter // it works very well // but is not free // so you may wanna keep downloading as much music as you can. another good application to use for downloading music is "I-Mesh" // i have heard (read) about too many people, having too many problems with itunes // i tried using itunes , and did not like it at all !! give I-Mesh a try !!!

When synchronizing music files to a portable device in Yahoo Music, can you change the bit-rate (re-encode it)

My digital music library consists of mostly mp3 files imported at a 320 Kbs bit rate. When transfering those files to my music player I need to be able to convert them to a lower bit rate so they don't take up so much space. It would be nice if this was a one step process. Additionally, the 2 library solution (one for high bit rate, one for mobile) doesn't seem very palettable. Windows Media Player can do this, Tools->Options->Devices->(Specific Device)->Properties->Quality. However, Overall I like the Yahoo Music interface better and would like to continue to use it, but this is a big issue that might make me reconsider.

What do you think would happen....?

The reason clubs have "free ladies nights" is because they want lots of eye candy there to satisfy the male clientele. If you don't look "hot" and "y" by society's standards, they might discriminate against you and make you pay. But the entire concept of "free ladies night" is inherently ist and discriminatory anyway. What I'm saying is, don't expect fairness or morality from a place that will use women to make money.

Car wreck three years ago, sucky lawyer..need help?

three years ago, my two sisters, a cousin and i had gotten in a car wreck on july 4th. this year we were told that we would get the money of only an amount of 1500 each. truely was not our fault it was theres. they totaled the car, and damaged our bodies. we all had to go see a chiroprator. it is now september..shouldnt we already have our money? of more for what she did to us? does someone out there know any lawyers who will wait on getting the money when the case is closed..that way they can get there full amout of money they are to be paid and get there job done? someone please help!

If I leave free flowing shot spouts in a bottle of spirits, will the alcohol evaporate?

Yes, it will evaporate, but it will take about twenty years or more to do so because of the small orifice of the pourspout. The greater problem is more with oxidation within the bottles of your slower moving inventory. Bugs can be a problem too with some of the sweeter liquors. Rarely/lesser used bottles should be kept with their original cap on.

How can Govt simplify Taxation procedure VAT/TDS/IT/Profesional Tax/FBT returns , where do you get staff ?

How can Govt simplify Taxation procedure, I think we should submit return to our Chartered Accountant and in turn chartered accountant should submit onlie to Income Tax office and there should be no personal meeting between CA and IT officer , any thing required should be asked online, and it should be interstate Maharashtra shoudl file return to delhi and so on . This is method followed in Austarlia. Would you like to modify the idea

What pokemon should I have for my last space?

10 years u wud have all level 100 (thats like a scam) i wud at lest expect 80+ btw i suggest roserade!

Chest bone crackling?

Hi people. i've read your infos about this subject and that encouraged me to join the forum. The thing is i am experiencing the same problem as you guys, and i think my case is a lot worst than what you feel. Mine is every time i hold down my head for like 2 minutes without moving, my chest will lock up. and when i try to straight my back i feel really painful on my upper part of my chest. when i stretch correctly i feel eased but if not, i feel like h'm dying because i need to crack it to unlock it. it gives me hard time especially in the morning when i get up, i feel weak sometimes. i can't even push my hands against each other when it locks. anyone can help me about it please..

What are your favorite bands that have sold out?

The Killers they sold out straight away last year and are headlining leads this year so i am going it dint sell out but my mom found it hard to get tickets

After church would you...??

.. go and have on the altar?? obviously not right!! because that would be disrepectful and you'd never even think of it right!! because church is like a temple or greatness, yeah?? well.. then can you tell me how comes so many girls let guys do it to them. i mean come on think about it, the womans body is like a temple (church) it should be respected, then why do some women let men come into there temple and disrespect them, because i know some of them don't even think your full of greatness. this question is even for the non-religious and by the way i'm not talking about .

Help identifying a new country song?

If any of you listen to Froggy 93.1, Ohio, you might recognize this. almost every morning, they play this song around 9 am. its slow, sung by a girl, and all i know is that in the chorus, she sings: sittin low in the summer sun" so i was wondering if anybody recognizeed this song?

Good editorial topics?

I have to write a two page editorial for my English cl. It needs to be current and something that I can discuss in a professional manner. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Should I lie????????????????????

Ok so i tought valentines day wasnt till later in the week lol. Theres this girl i like and dating and im guna buy her a box of chocolates, i wont be seeing her for a while but should i tell her i got her something? I dont like lieing but it would be a white lie. What do you think? I dont want to let her think i dont care, cos i do.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I slept with this guy, he used me..?

He told you he had feelings for you so he can get laid. You feel used because you were used. Learn from this because any guy who cares about you is not gonna have with you if you have been drinking. He would keep you company and talk to you if he sees you've had one to many but he wouldn't take advantage of that situation knowing you were not in your right mind. Quit texting him and let him think. Your acting like a bug a boo which is what girls do in this situation. It scares him off but that's only if he really had feelings for you in the first place. See me personally i would be more worried about my reputation then the man but then again that's just me. It hurts but just learn from this and give him some space. Don't make eye contact just do you and act like it doesn't bother you and keep a smile. If he tries to start a convo cut it short unless you see he is gonna answer your question. Any other convo cut it short. This works. Its called acting your hurt inside but you never show a man that he has that kind of power over you or the relationship will never work even if their is one their.

Gilmore girls?

i swear.....jess better come back. i hate that logan. i think lorelai will mary luke but i still luv chris. hope logan and rory breaks up. you can read some spoilers for the show @

What would you do in the horrible situation!!?

Save oprah and spongebob, and formulate a plan to kill the rest, then bla,e it on the gummy worms, and send in for plankton to get a rope, and escape.... mwhahahaha

Air force and pot can I get in?

I want to join the air force but I heard its always best to be honest. I said yes to smokin pot once on the little sheet he had me fill out. Will I still be able to join the air force or will that dq me from any jobs in the air force if let in? I only tried it ONCE and it was years ago

Cosmo mag. said Housewives are happier. What do YOU think?

I think that's a broad generalization, I'm sure some are happier, but there's plenty who are very unhappy and not good mothers, so no I don't agree w/ the statement

Ranting at the annoying ones - c/c if you want?

I consider this a smiling poem, Pinocchio is a funny name, so he enlightens the whole poem's mood. A nice ysis, still, I expect you to start thinking about the Collab. A title, a theme we should think of. How about a fisherman who goes to his work, on his boat, or a holy woman in a monastery? I like those two. Thank you for submitting, you are always exactly the opposite of Pinocchio. Bravo... OK! I agree..

Do products like eye-liners, mascaras, eye-shadows, etc, cause eye problems?

I use a liquid eyeliner everyday and sometimes it might get into the eye by mistake, etc... of course i take it off as soon as I see it, but I want to know if these products can cause blindness, or other eye problems.

Will getting a speeding ticket in Iowa affect my Wisconsin driver's license?

I have a suspended drivers license in Wisconsin. I'm elligible to reinstate my license, but I was recently pulled over and given a speeding ticket in Iowa. Can I still reinstate my license even though I had a moving violation in another state??

Truths about how converts spread venom?

Converts are like new mullah!s who want to prove their loyalty with new religious bosses,they become more dangerous then real people,2ndly they might be lured with money or other perks.they work for material gain.Admiral V K Singh

What should I do with my career choices?

please send me $100 and I can tell you what you want to hear. You contacted a website that tells you what you want to hear. You cannot wish to be something you are not. Get an education, set a goal, and forget about dreaming.

Dream Interprertation-Shooting?

oh my should watch out.dreams can come offense.pray before you being nice to that boy.when you wake up in the morning tell every body you love them,in case.

What racism does? Be well Vote Smart?

what typical democrat rhetoric. Where do you get your info??? Just following the party line I see. You should really get a clue and actually do some impartial research.

What is with the FDA's all out blitz on health foods and drinks lately?

It's just part of a larger push to regulate anything that goes in our mouths. And unless we can rein in the FDA soon, it will only escalate. They're going after "junk" food, vitamins, other supplements, and alternative over-the-counter remedies.

Were/are the members of Rush satan worshipers?

Remember on the 2112 album there was the blazing red upside down pentagram, (whatever the heck that means anyway)? Also my father in law tries to tell me that they were the original inventers of that hand configuration where you make a fist, but leave the pointer pinky and thumb sticking out while your head shakes back and forth, used frequently by Bevis and head. I don't know if I believe the hand signal part. But what about the upside-down-you-know-what... Is it true?

Turn off? This relates to my sweatpants question! GIRLS & GUYS?

actually to tell u the truth i think that girl who dress covered up are those old clic girls back in the 20's with the long call me old fashioned but it looks so nice!...umm but no i dont think that nice clothes is a turn off....but it could be intimidating so deffinitely watch out with that!...

How do I reinstate a persons e-mail address of which I mistakenly hit the spam on on a message from her?

uming it is yahoo email, go into your email options & find the list of blocked email addresses & unblock it or copy & paste it into a new contact.

When did the world get such horrible misconceptions about the Catholic Church?

There are some posters on this site with a strong anti-Catholic bias. However, I don't think that most people seriously believe the nonsense about Catholics worshiping statues and so forth. I am a Roman Catholic living in a heavy Fundamentalist region. I hear anti-Catholic opinions, some of them almost violent in tone, pretty much every day of the week. However, I see it as an opportunity for a bit of gentle education. When you press most of these people, you'll find out that they've never actually talked to a practicing Catholic in their lives, and certainly have never visited a Catholic church. From there, one can begin presenting facts instead of fiction. And while doing so, I don't attempt to gloss over past abuses of the Church, which are historically doented; however, I do point out that these abuses, although tragic, are certainly not all that our Church is about.

Vibrators in bed: My boyfriend is apprehensive?

We have tried many times for me to have an manually but its just not happening. I can have an easily in the tub with running water. I read that some girls have a more hooded oris so they need more stimulation than what a guy can do manually. i mentioned bringing a tiny vibrator into the bedroom a few times but my boyfriend got quiet and weird about it all 3 times. I think maybe he's not sure what we would do with it or something. What should i do? if keeps being a "happy ending" for him and not me I'm going to get frustrated and, sadly, i can even see myself looking elsewhere for a relationship.

Is it okay for me to feed my oscar freeze dried brine shrimp?

I have been tryng to feed him Hikari baby pellets but i was going to try and give him brine shrimp for a varied diet. Is freeze dried brine shrimp okay for oscars?

Rockets have already won game 1, 105 - 74 I foresee the future?

The Laker lineup of Pow Gay a$$hole, Kirby Bi-rant, Lamar Oh Dumb, Boredom Farmer, Dewreck Fish-her can't stop the invincible Rockets, Kirbyuals will be dissapointed when Artest makes Kirby his ***** boy, and at the same time Yao will plow Pow for trying to give it to Yao up the ga$$hole!!

What's the difference between honeydew and muskmelon?

i was always raised calling cantaloupe and honey dew but a friend told me that a honeydew was a muskmelon? but i heard that musk melon was just a name for melons in general ? any thoughts?

When did profanity in movies start to become fashionable?

I was wonder if anyone knew anything about the first movies to have cursing in it. I tried researching this online but i could not find anything specific. It's hard for me to imagine that movies back in the 1950's had F bombs in it... lol. From what i know, I would guess sometime in the late 1960s would most likely be in the ballpark, but i was wondering if there were specific films that anyone knew of that started this trend!

Strange NCAAF Questions?

i'm sure...i may be mistaken but in college football they play anohter full quarter so yes they would have done both those things...

She begged for me back and now is acting me out girls!?

We broke up and she was seeing someone else..then all of a sudden she started telling me she wanted me back and broke up with him...this is the second time she has done this with the same guy. Weve been back together and ive been worried about her doing it again and my paranoia is annoying her now. She has been ok but as soon as i try to talk about a concern she says " Can we just move past this, I made a mistake and i wont do it again...I dont want to talk about this **** anymore". I understand it may get annoying if were trying to work things out and all i talk about is "Are you going to do it again?" , and "Are you sure youre happy with me", and " can you please show me you love me". I might get annoyed to. I dont know though cuz weve been together for a few years now and she just wants to act like nothing happened and expects me to just be casual and relax like everythings ok. Ladies please give me some feedback if you kow what is going through her head.

If you were a desert, what would be and why?

I'd be a nice cold juicy apple (gala,honey crisp,or fuji),that you can take with you on a hike and pull out of your pocket and munch on while. Talk about fast food....packaged and ready fo go.

Start Addai over Slaton this week?

I can start Addai or Slaton to go with Ronnie Brown this week? I'm already starting Andre Johnson and Owen Daniels and don't want to do any overload my team with Texans.

Does anyone know the correct trivia answers for US 99.5, and other radio stations for August 31, 2008?

Villians is B, the rest are all A's like a report card lol, US99 usually does this on or near holidays, they make it super easy also I have noticed every holiday Toby Keith works for the artist of the day without even listening, so tomomrrow I'll test that theory again, its' worked many times before

Would you use my animal services?

I am 12 years old. I would love to open up my own animal shelter/boarding center with my family. I want to know first if anyone would use my services before I go through with it. First of all it would be located in Washington, OK. So please only answer if you would actually be able to use it. You could drop off strays, ask me to foster dogs or cats, come look at the animals for adoption, board your animal, I'm not sure if I want to do grooming or not, but if you would use it often then I probably would. If you have any other suggestions of what I should do with it that you would use or think other people would use. Btw-Washington, OK is about 10 minutes away from Norman, OK. If you didn't know. Thanks so much for your help.

What is the legal term for a manager not isting a customer with a complaint?

I went to popeyes drive thru during lunch hours, 1:35p to be exact... and it took 10 minutes before I even got to the window. There weren't many cars, which indicate they were not very busy. However, when I got to the window, I complained to the manager, and because my mother is an ex employee of that establishment, the manager didn't take regards to my complaint of the long wait. Instead, she began to say "..You not getting anything today." What is the legalities of such behavior in a franchise establishment?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Does she feel like I feel do you think - please please help!?

I'm not sure if this girl I like likes me back (lately I think I might be biual). I'm 23 and she's quite a bit older than me, and we work together. Straightaway we hit it off and became friends, privately emailing to eachother the goss etc even though we're opposite one another cos other ppl around us. She seems very interested in if i like this, that or the next guy and says she doesnt miss guys and most are pr*cks. That she's been hurt etc. She will always make some sort of joke about guys like if i were going out to dinner she says dont flirt with the waitors etc. One time I decided to say to her over email how about she tries dating a girl but she said i needed my head checked and that she had kissed a girl, but to get back at a guy, so i said yeah u'd prob miss men's bodies and she said yeah - since then she's been really attentive, listening to everything i say, commenting on how much i laugh, asking me when im next in, if im Ok when i was sick... She bought me a gift cos i was really upset a time ago aswell. What do you think?

Looking for an old tv episode on syfy?

so the episode was about this weird dome things that appeared in the middle of the desert. and the military is brought in to investigate it but they can't seem to get in. This one guy actually falls in love with the girl on the other side and when they finally break through the force field he jumps in on time before it closes. When he's there he runs to her and then you find out she's a cannibal. I've been searching everywhere but i can't seem to find it. :( i Don't remember what the show was called either......

Diseased plants need help.?

I have 3 burgundy shrubs with a white s or film on the leaves. Most of the plant looks dead...but the leaves that are out have this strange white powerery film. Does anyone know what this is? And can the plant be treated or saved???

Using a gps for marking property lines?

I want to buy gps but need to know if I can do the following - will a handheld unit allow me to mark property corners (A - B for ex.), then plot a straight line from A about 3/4 mile through the woods to B? If so would the unit alert me if I am off (or on) that imaginary line? I want to do this for a fairly accurate idea of my property line(s).

Why artists still perform old songs?

Well, why wouldn't they play it? The Clics never go out of style. Besides, where do you think the modern era music came from? Artists were inspired by someone's work. I'm sure you can look any artist, past or present, and find an influence which led them to pursue music as a career or what have you. I also suppose the playing of clical pieces is supposed to perserve the memory of the composers who wrote them. Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Beethoven--some of the better known composers live on in their music, just as Freddy Mercury or Frank Senatra, or Selena do today.

Alternatives on sticking Christmas decorations to a ceiling?

I have a concrete ceiling, in the past yrs i have tried blue-tak & stickytape..they work fine for a while but then the decorations come loose then fall. do you know any other ways to keep these decorations up?.

Baseball Team Names?!?!?

I need to think of an awesome baseball team name for a project. The city is Boulder, Colorado. Can anyone think of one?! Thanksss.

How can I be taken seriously as a woman at the car dealership?

I'm a 27 year old woman but I have a baby face and look about 17. I'm not a car expert, but I want to lease a car soon to be able to travel for jobs. Right now, I don't really know a knowledgeable man to go with me to help out with all the questions & negotiations. I'll try to educate myself on the topic, but what else can I do to be taken seriously and not be cheated??

Sorry but its all bollocks, maybe you agree?

This is the most sane thing that I have seen on here.I would like nothing more,than to buy you a drink and have a chat.I agree whole-heartedly.

Mormons/LDS ever heard of Porter Rockwell?

Joseph Smith's bodyguard, I heard alot abot him in Ut. Of course my question has always been, if he had a bodyguard, then why did he die?

Cry baby wah pedal crackles when i press the pedal. Help?

This is mostly caused by Dust! turn off power, and full depress pedal / switch / slider. fully several times, power back on, and this should to the trick. let me know if it works,

What would this quote look like in modern english?

The poet beginneth not with obscure definitions, which must blur the margin with interpretations, and load the memory with doubtfulness, but he cometh to you with words set in delightful proportion, either accompanied with, or prepared for, the sweet enchanting skill of music; and with a tale forsooth he cometh unto you, with a tale which holdeth children from play, and old men from the chimney corner.

Have you ever left service early, and do you think it's a sin?

After the worship, and before the pastor got up to preach, I just walked out, but not rudely because everyone was shaking hands and using the restroom. I was kinda by myself, and just did not feel anything. My question is have you done it, and your opinion about it.

How do you remove a kitchen sink drain hole copper pipe?

Undo the whole embly under the sink or at least the broken part and take it to your local hardware store. You may not get copper but you will have a trap and all that other stuff you need. I think channel locks will be sufficient to loosen. PVC is the cheap way to go out and you will figure it out once you get started. Oh! Its screws on the bottom of the sink. Plumbers putty for 99 cents is a good gasket for reembly.

Medical question: Please a doctor answer this, online doctors?

Thyroid is for metabolic activity. The T is for Thyroxine and the 4 says there are 4 iodine molecules on it. There is also T3 which just has one less iodine. T-lymphocytes are part of the immune system. That T comes from the immune cells maturing in the thymus of a person. They are completely different diseases and affect completely different systems.

Al leiter 89 card worth?

donruss 89 baseball card al leiter is it worth anything?i aiso have from the same year ken phelps,jack clark,rafael santana,rich dotson, neil allen,rickey henderson,john candelaria,hensley meulens don slaught,dave winfield,don mattingly,dave righetti,mike pagliarulo,claudell washington all in very nice condishen

I don't know if I had a nightmare, an evil spirit in the room, or an out-of-body-experience...?

It felt like an out-of-body experience, combined with this "night terror" feeling I sometimes wake up with, a sense of some ominous presence that gives me chills ...I woke up, staring at my ceiling, feeling some sense of a menacing presence (not the first time this has happened)...but this time I was paralyzed, couldn't move or speak, even though I was awake, and it felt like my energy was being pulled out of my body, out of my chest, upwards to the ceiling, where I could see dark shadows moving and small pinpoints of light. I tried to pull my energy back into my body and finally could move a little, enough to wake up my husband. I could still see the shadows and the lights for a few minutes. This totally freaked me out. Does anyone know anything about this??

Clutch Bag ?

I need to get a white oversized clutch bag for a party im going to. It has to be a reasonable price and easy to get hold of. Any suggestions ?

Why was the Treaty of Versailles still enacted if the USA rejected it?

I know that President Wilson agreed with the treaty, and that it was enacted, but if the senate and congress rejected the treaty because of the League of Nations, why was the treaty still signed and enacted? Thank you.

Is that the right thing to do ?

Well, my relationship with my ex was complicated ..there was no issue for us than separating ...well, although she went to find another man, but � didn't hate her for that, because effectively the relationship was not working , I managed to keep it working, but it was hard on me ...and stressful ..we were really incompatible after the split, we are just friends ..I think she likes to talk to me , although she is with her bf, too ..but I don't know if it is the best thing to do ...I don't hate her , but .. I was really hurt when she left me , but it was really for the good reason and there were other issue left ..!! so, neither her and I are angry at each other ...!! because, we both knew it was a realtionship , we were trying to make work together ...!! but, couldn't ..!! she likes to talk to me as friend ...but, do you think I should cut contact wih her completely ..or just keep being her friend without even talked about the past relationship we had ..?

Does a judge have to report contributing to a minor?

Divorce is a civil matter and you are talking about criminal law. This judge has no interest in that part of the situation. I doubt the DA will want to waste time investigating a he said-she said complaint from more than a year ago.

Physics?? Vector Diagrams? i really need help, please.?

use pythagorean theorem to find the hypotenuse - it is much more precise than a ruler. and then, measure the angle of the hypotenuse in relation to one of the lines.

Will you be watching CL final with both English teams...?

... I probably won't just like I didn't last season (except for penalties), I watch most of EPL league games especially when big4 are playing each other but watching two ''English'' teams in CL final is perfect definition of the word BORIIIING!!!

Question about the new msn 2011 essential?

i downloaded it but how do i change the color of my name? i usually use gradient text/colors but i cant? is it not available yet? and none of my scripts will work even tho they are activated and i have plus downloaded

Parents, what is it about a sports team that makes them "your team"?

I am a Duke fan, because my daddy was. Most of my family and my hubs pull for our rivals. Besides we are the reigning NCAA Men's National Championship Team. Hopefully, we will be the champions again.

Copyright query?

If you get permission to publish something (a photo, written work etc) from someone who subsequently dies, who does the copyright p to if you want to publish it again - do you still have the right?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How to install composite shingles approx. 1/2" over a drip edge on roof?

Not necessarily what is "right" but what makes sense. An overhang would cause water to over shoot and not run underneath. No overhang? You guessed it.

Poll....Take your pick or add one!?

For news, I generally rely on the internet since I am at work all day and can't watch TV....i.e. The Week ( a href="" rel="nofollow" ) or NY Times ( a href="" rel="nofollow" ) But, when I do get a chance to watch TV, I rely on CSPAN, CNN, and MSNBC.

Who was that guy who let his kids play with a fetus?

Rick Santorum. I can't judge how people deal with grief. And to the family, it's not a "fetus" but their child or their brother or sister. It's a bit strange to p around the dead body of anyone, but people deal with loss in different ways.

Any ideas on how i should tell him?? ?

Okaay so ive asked a few questions about if i shud tel my best guy frend i lyk him r hw shud i ask him ou nd most of the answers say jst tel him!! So i tink im gona!! Itz jst i have No idea hw 2 wifout ruinin r frendship!! Plz help!! Wud b soooooooo gr8 ful!!! Tnx! P.s im a teen(: x

Who handles the contract and transfer negotiations for a football club?

The manager is employed to do that job. He knows what players he wants. Any club that allows the chairman to do this needs relegation to show he doesn't know what he's doing. Every time this happens it's the manager who gets the sack, not the chairman (know nothing about the game, running the club etc.).

Matt Hughes?

Do u think Matt Hughes is being forced out of UFC because of his losing streak,or that he can`t beat the up and coming youngsters in the sport,should he b given the option of dropping or going up a weight,cos he is/was an awesome fighter,he will b sadly missed

My sugar glider has a worm?

so he was sleeping in my sock when i hear him sneezing alot and he like chirped, so i open the sock and i see a red worm coming out of his and he was eating it, so i take him out of the sock quickly then the worm had already went in. he keeps strectching and scratching himself and he is like gagging and he keeps biting things and me. help this is urgent i need some info on what it is and what to do? and its 1 am in the morning right now

Car audio!?

If i run 2 Sony cl D (XMD2002GRT) 550W RMS anps each going to a 12'' 380w RMS subs, and then a 200w RMS 2-channel amp to my speakers, the new sony MEXBR 5000 HU in a 2007 scion tc....will i have any problems? Will i need to update all of my power wires, altenator or battery...or will i be fine? thanks for your help!

Is it a mother's duty to teach her daughter how to?

give sensual mages, mind numbing s, and how to ride the sausage like a psychotic cowgirl fresh off the ranch.

Is there a plumber about?

I'm in trouble! My tank in my bathroom has sprung a leak. Its 4 .15am on Sat morning. My partners at work so cant help me. could a plumber tell me what to do? This is an old house-56 yrs- and the original water tank is still in it. It is a triangular tank in the corner of the bathroom. The water in this is heated by a backboiler in the fire downstairs-there is no immersion heater. I turned on the tap and tried to run the water out of the tank but its being filled by the cold water mains supply. Theres a tap or a key or a faucet, whatever you call it, under the stairs on the water pipe. It wont budge for me so I dont know do I turn it clockwise or anticlockwise? Its so stiff I'll have to hit it with the hammer and if I hit it the wrong way I'll b in worse trouble. Does anyone know which way it should turn? Are these things universal or do they differ from country to country? Im in Ireland. I have the cold tap running downstairs to stop the tank gettin too full or should It b upstar

Women, what would you think if you saw a mother...?

What would you think if you saw a mother applying baby lotion all over her son who looked like he was 8-12, in the family change room at the swimming pool (indoor aquatic complex) before they got changed into their clothes?She then began to apply it on herself. (he had his swimming shorts still on)

Which essay topic would be the easiest to write on about Shakespears play Hamlet.?

The tragic hero is reasonably straightforward. Hamlet is trying ot avenge his father's death but is plagued by his inability to act.

What do you recommend me to cook as a first timer?

Well, been interested in cooking for sometime now, what do you think is the best thing to cook for a first timer ? I prefer Non- Asian food, not a racist but I live in asia and want something different, just wanna clear that out before I get hammered by political correctness

Grade my 2010 NFL Fantasy Draft?

i would defiantly get better and more HBs cause they are going to be a huge factor this year but besides that everything looks great

I need help please ladies?

There might not be anything you can do. Sometimes women can't have babies-- that's nature. I'm very sorry if this is the case-- I know I'm at a stage in my life where I'm thinking about having children. But if it comes to the worst and you can't carry children in utero, there are other options. My prayers are with you.

Have you checked out the warning label on energy efficient light bulbs?

i dont know if you have one near where you live but all ikea stores collect old CFLs for safe disposal. just drop them in the bins they have in the store.

Has anyone heard the news that NASA's moon program will be canceled.?

I find it bizarre to hear Mr Obama making loud claims about the U.S. not being in second place, and then to hear from a different source (apparently, he didn't want to talk about it) that we are abandoning the manned space flight program. The jobs that he wants to create are apparently not engineering jobs or science jobs, or even creative jobs; they are road maintenance and civil service and union jobs for folks that will support his political agenda without having to actually create or produce anything. Sounds like a race to the bottom.

How to put on false eyelashes with adhesive already on them?

Ok, so i got some false eyelashes from claire's. they didnt come with glue and the box just says to put them on your lashes and wait untill the adhesive dries. Im wondering if the adhesive is already on the lashes??? And if so, do they go on the same way??? Any tips would also be helpful!!! thanks! :)

What ship did Amable Peltier RICHARDS sail on in roughly 1851-4?

Good answer Michael ... i'd give you more thumbs up while the question is open for answer, but they'll only let me give you it once.

Who is the hottest celeb out of these two?

i don't know if u are indian or english(american). if u ask an indian she/he will definitely say aishwarya rai is hottest. but if you ask an english she/he will say alexis bledel is the hottest. so now you decide. but to me aishwarya rai is better.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Was Bruce Lee technically a Grandmaster?

I don't think he was a grandmaster because he never had any students that became champions or anything did he? I'm not entirely sure on this lol. He was definitely the best civilized martial artist in the world, some of the things he could do and achieved were immense.

Can you get into trouble verbally attacking someone on youtube?

Hi there, well I was attacked a few days ago by some guy and I did not even threaten him in any way. All I was doing was complimenting a Rebbecca Black video and he then starting using profound language. Yes it bothered me because I want to be treated with a little bit of more respect, and i was not even talking to him, so I gave him a long speech on you tube, and he didn't have anything else to say except to curse at me again, so ignored him because he had his own opinion on the video. I never say anything rude to anyone on there but i do have allot of friends that do, and nothinggggg ever happens to them. So i am sure you will be fine especially if you haven't sent any death threats or anything like that. :) so i am sure you will be fine man. Good luck.